How to grow perfume lilies

1. No shortage of fertilizer (1) Generally, if planted in autumn, seedlings will appear in more than a month. The soil used to grow lilies should not be too poor, and it is not recommended to use soil dug from outside. This kind of soil is not fertile en-----

Onion needs high-yield management

After entering the spring, how to scientifically manage onions has become a general concern of many growers. So where is the spring onion tube? Regarding this issue, the reporter interviewed Ron, a senior agronomist at Yangling Qin Hongbao Agricultural Te-----

What does the hair loss in autumn

Healthy hair is one of the symbols of personal health or vitality. What kind of food can help us achieve our goal if we want to have a healthy hair? Seven kinds of anti-protection and protection star were recommended to everyone. 1. Almond firm hair. The study found that people who lost hair were-----

Two ways to plant loofah to promote high yield

High-efficiency planting of loofah must be reasonably thinned and beardless to reduce unnecessary consumption of nutrients in the soil and plant body, so that it can concentrate on the growth and development of the fruit, thereby increasing the yield per -----

Cuibi jade bitter gourd pollution-free planting technol…

First, the emerald jade bitter melon variety Very early-maturing and high-yield bitter gourd variety, the plant grows prosperously, the branching ability is strong, the melon strip is cylindrical, straight and beautiful, the melon strip is green, the mel-----

Suggestions on cotton middle and late management techni…

Cotton enters the critical period of flowering and bolling, and reproductive growth is the main focus. This is the most vigorous period of growth and the peak period of fertilizer and water demand in the life of cotton, and it is also a critical period fo-----

Sterilizing the heart of Chinese cabbage

Cabbage-burning heart attack usually occurs in the lotus sitting stage, and the symptoms are obvious after the ball is set, and it reaches the most severe degree during storage. After the onset, the top edge of the Chinese cabbage leaf ball rolled outward-----