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The timely and reasonable calcium supplementation of laying hens is measured. It takes about 4-4.5 grams of calcium per egg. In order to make hens produce more eggs, calcium supplementation should be started 15 days before the start of production. The content of calcium in feed should be controlled. 3% -4% is appropriate. The effect of calcium supplementation on the chicken is best from 12 to 18 hours a day. When calcium supplements are used, the ratio of phosphorus to phosphorus should be kept at 4:1, and more bone meal or calcium phosphate should be fed. The broilers had a good light illumination effect during the rearing period, using a 1-hour light and a 3-hour dark circular light system. Choosing the broiler's wing-finishing fats Select a strong chick from 2 to 24 days old, cut off the wings and stop watering for 2 hours before cutting wings, and tie the chicken wings back and forth with a wire, remove the wings from the joints with a sterilized knife, and apply anti-inflammatory powder or mercurochrome. , Feed water 2 hours later, strengthen fattening after 7 days. The chicken roach prevention and control new tricks each spring and autumn each time, with straw 10 to 20 dry peppers bundled, lit into the chicken house fumigation, until the peppers are all burned, open the doors and windows to disperse the smoke, and then drive the chickens into the house. Egg-laying drug moulting eggs quickly add zinc oxide or zinc sulfate in the feed, the amount of feed for the 2% -2.5%. Chickens were fed continuously for 7 days, and on the 8th day feeds to normal laying hens were started. A new method for controlling the sex of chicks is to add 10% glucose to the cock feed. The rate of male and female chicks is 59.8%. Adding glucose to the female feed material will increase the male and female ratio to 35.8%. Broiler broiler method 250 grams of broilers were fed with 15 schisandras and 18 white peppers at a time; 500 broilers were fed with 20 schisandras and 23 white peppers. Eggs chickens were fed a reasonable 10-day-old chicken, daily dosage (grams) = day + 2; 11-50 days old daily dose (grams) is the same as their age; 51-151 days old daily dose (grams) = 50+ (days of age -50) 2; the daily use of broilers over 151 days of age is stable at more than 100 grams. Chicken farm deodorization is often due to chicken manure fermentation, odor emission, affecting environmental conditions, should be regularly deodorant. Take 7 parts of ferrous sulfate and 3 parts of dry coal ash, mix and mix thoroughly, and add about 10% of chicken droppings. Ideal timing for broiler chickens to grow quickly in the early period, the hens at 7 weeks of age, the weight of the cockerel at 9 weeks of age peaked, after the rate of weight gain gradually slowed down, the consumption of material increased. Broilers are the most economical for slaughter at 6-7 weeks of age and weighing 1.8-2 kg. A good way for chickens to feed tablets is to carefully divide the tablets into smaller granules. In addition, take the appropriate amount of noodles, cut into small pieces of approximately 0.5 cm and mix the granules on a white paper, and let the chickens feed on them. The chicken will indiscriminately add drugs and Eat noodles, save time and convenience. If the chicken has a neck-down method and does not eat feed, it is timely to see if there is black blood on the left wing. If there is black ribs, it is a chicken quail. It should be treated immediately, strictly sterilized and isolated. If there is no black muscle to fill the oil or sesame oil, the diseased chicken can alleviate the disease. Chicks should be cut off at 7-10 days of age when they are cut off during brooding. When severed, the palate cuts 1/2 from the nostrils to the tip of the palate. Cut off 1/3 of the lower jaw, forming a short upper and lower long bow, which can effectively prevent evil.