The scientific name is Bidens parviflora Willd. An annual herb of the Asteraceae family. Distributed in the Northeast, North China, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shaanxi and Sichuan. Some dry crops are vulnerable.
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Morphological characteristics of stem erect, plant height 20 70cm, more branched, often with dark purple. Leaves opposite long-stemmed; leaf blade 2–3-pinnately divided, lobes or lanceolate, locules or entire, sparsely hairy or glabrous. Inflorescences, slender stalks, diameter 3-5mm, sepals 2-3 layers, yellow-brown, short green outer, inner membrane long; yellow flowers, tubular, apex 4-cleft. Apricot strips have 4 edges, and apex has 2 spiny bristles. Rely on seeds.
Ecological characteristics are born on hillsides, roadsides or farmland.