Lotus roots, leather and beardhead (Clalqsa Leather), per acre (667 square meters below the sa…
In recent years, the continued high prices of cultivation of large cherries have caused a dram…
Cotton sparse cultivation has the following characteristics: First, labor. Each mu has les…
1, the implementation of whip fat. In late May-early July, combined with bamboo lining and…
Late spring and early summer is a good time to cultivate oyster mushrooms. Pleurotus ostre…
"Seminar Cultivation of Chinese Medicinal Materials" Expert Series Lecture 5
Kinpo Matrix Matrices Fermentation Aid (The Soilless Culture Matri…
The type of sow house is set according to the division of the herd and it is generally divided…
Plum blossom is native to the Taihu Lake and Yonghu Lake in the lower reaches of the Yangtze R…
1. Choose a variety. Choose red carrots with good root shape, good quality, and strong gro…
Spring is the season when the grape sprouts to spread leaves, shoot elongation, heading an…