If you are still hesitant about how to choose antioxidants, the latest findings can provide you with scientific advice: The benefits of eating oranges are greater than eating vitamin C tablets. As we all know, moderate intake of antioxidants such as vitamin C is good for health, because antioxidants can protect cells from DNA damage. DNA is a genetic material of the human body. Once it is damaged, it will cause mutations and cause diseases. The British Journal of Nutrition publishes a new study by researchers from the Department of Nutrition at the University of Milan, Italy, and believes that orange juice is more protective of DNA than vitamin C tablets. The researchers gave the subjects drinking orange juice containing 150 mg of vitamin C, 150 mg of vitamin C water, or regular sugar water. After 3 hours and 24 hours, their blood samples were taken. Blood samples were mixed with hydrogen peroxide and DNA to observe the effect of hydrogen peroxide on DNA damage. As a result, it was found that blood samples from the orange juice group had the strongest protective effect on DNA at either 3 hours or 24 hours. The blood samples of the vitamin C group and the sugar water group had no antioxidant effect. Therefore, the author believes that although there are reports that the antioxidant effect of vitamin C can be observed when taking large doses of vitamin C, it is clear that the effect of orange juice is stronger than that of vitamin C. Therefore, it is recommended that you eat oranges and eat less pills, because orange juice contains other beneficial ingredients that we do not yet know. Circular UV Lamp, Quartz UV Lamp, UV Lamp Manufacturer Ningbo Sunfine UV lighting Co.,ltd. , http://www.uvlightings.com