Recently, the Physical Review Letter published a research report on laser treatment of tumors. According to specific research, the theory of high-quality high-energy proton beam can be generated by the acceleration mechanism without collision shock, and the proton energy can be scaled to one hundred mega-electron volts under the existing laser conditions to meet the laser proton knife treatment. The requirement to kill tumor cells. It is understood that the research has been supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences pilot class B special project, national key research and development plan and the National Natural Science Foundation. It is said that in the research, the researchers used a circular polarized watt-level ultra-short laser pulse to bombard the nano-thickness film target, and obtained a high-quality proton beam with large current and quasi-single energy. The proton energy peak energy reached 9 MeV. The peak flow intensity is as high as 3×1012 protons/MeV/sr, which becomes a laser proton beam that can kill tumor cells and protect healthy cells. Schematic diagram of a high-polarization proton beam accelerated by a non-collision shock wave driven by a circularly polarized tile In fact, the high-energy proton beam has a unique Bragg peak when it is transported in matter. Simply speaking, protons generally lose energy during transmission. After a certain transmission distance, most of the energy of the proton beam is mainly deposited at the end. Therefore, this feature is useful in the treatment of cancer in vivo, effectively utilizing the high energy at the end to kill cancer cells while protecting healthy cells. In fact, proton knife tumor treatment based on traditional accelerators has made great progress at home and abroad. Because the cost is very expensive, it is difficult to popularize. This time, the circularly polarized tile super-short ultra-short laser drive accelerates to form a high-quality proton beam. Because its acceleration gradient (the energy obtained by particles per unit length) is much larger than that of the conventional accelerator, the scale of the accelerator is greatly reduced, which is expected to reduce the treatment cost and become A new generation of cancer proton scalpels, this research also represents a key step forward in the laser-driven proton knife program. It is understood that this ultra-short pulse, high-quality high-energy proton beam generated by this ultra-short laser drive can also be applied to proton photography and material detection, laser nuclear fusion fast ignition, laboratory astrophysics, laser nuclear physics and nuclear medicine. Aspect research. Infertility Ingredients,Organic Dodder Seed Extract,Natural Organic Dodder Seed Extract,Herbal Extract Chinese Dodder Seed Extract Xi'an XJeson Biotech Co., Ltd ,