The gold standard method for identifying Ebola virus in blood samples requires that the blood sample be sealed in a refrigerated container and sent to a specialist laboratory away from the patient's home. Such laboratories use a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method to check for viruses. After the virus is not detected in the blood, the virus may still be contained in the body fluid, and the lengthy testing process may delay the detection, treatment and real-time monitoring of the viral load. Scientists and their counterparts at the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST, Saarbrücken, Germany) designed an instrument that can perform four-way RT-PCR, including two controls and two patient blood samples. Traditional tests take hours to more than one day to get results. The new assay process takes only 30 minutes to complete. The required amount of blood is 100 nanoliters and may only be collected from your fingertips. WSP/Premix/Powder/Growth Promtor Wsp/Premix/Powder/Growth Promtor,Huang Lian Detoxification Powder,Anti-Phlogistic Powder,Qingwen Dudu Powder Sichuan Aibang Weiye Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. ,