According to a new international research team of Xinhua News Agency, Beijing Electric, the "Homo erectus" was extinct about 200,000 years ago, partly because they were "lazy."

Homo erectus belongs to the genus of human families and appeared in different species from modern people (Homo sapiens) about 2 million years ago.

Researchers from Australia and the United Kingdom recently published a report in the US Science Public Library·Comprehensive magazine, saying that they analyzed a site near Devadimi in central Saudi Arabia and found that Homo erectus was in the early Stone Age. Tools and collection of raw materials are not “diligent”, but always use the “most labor-saving strategy”.

The researchers said that these erects would use the stones around their homes when making stone tools, rather than trying to collect better quality stones on nearby hills. This is in stark contrast to the early Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. Early Homo sapiens and Neanderthals would climb to find quality stones and transport them back from a distance.

The study also found that the "lazy" of Homo erectus is also very conservative in technological innovation. Although the environment around them has changed, they are still living according to the old methods and relying on existing tools, rather than trying to make changes.

The researchers concluded that "laziness" may play an important role in the extinction of Homo erectus.

People's Daily (22 August 20, 2018)

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