Hairtail is a kind of marine fish we often eat. It is named because it has a flat body. It is also called a swordfish and its teeth are sharp and aggressive. The octopus is sweet, sweet, and has the effect of supplementing blood and tonifying the spleen and tonifying the spleen tonic. Braised pork, sweet and sour sauce, and deep-fried cooking methods can all be used. The fish has only one large bone, is easy to eat, delicious, and has a high nutritional value, so it is very popular. The following Xiao Bian will give you a brief introduction about the food benefits and related precautions of octopus. Let's take a look.


The nutritional value of striped fish

The flesh is fresh and plump, rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. Its fat content is higher than that of common fish, and it is mostly unsaturated fat. It is a nourishing product suitable for both young and old people, especially suitable for qi deficiency, weakness, malnutrition and malnutrition. Blood deficiency and other people eat. It was determined that each 100g of octopus contained protein 18g, fat 8.3g, vitamin A 29 micrograms, cholesterol 76 mg, potassium 280 mg, phosphorus 191 mg, calcium 28 mg, niacin 2.8 mg, selenium 36.57 micrograms, zinc 0.7 mg, manganese 0.17 Mg, magnesium 43 mg, iodine 8 micrograms, iron 1.1 mg, and sugar, vitamin B1, B2, and carbohydrates.

Efficacy of fish

prevent cancer

There is a layer of silver-white material on the surface of the fish. Many people mistakenly believe that it is a fish scale. When cleaning the fish, it is washed out. In fact, this practice is wrong. This layer of silver phosphorus is rich in protein, lecithin, unsaturated fatty acids and trace elements. It also contains a substance called 6-thioguanine, which is an anti-cancer agent that is compatible with other anti-cancer drugs and against blood cancer. Gastric cancer and lymphoma have preventive and therapeutic effects.


Beauty anti-aging

Hairtail is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, also known as "vegetable oil." It enhances the skin's antioxidant capacity, helps the skin lock in moisture, keeps the skin moist and smooth, and prevents acne and other skin inflammations, so regular consumption of octopus can keep Face youthful and beautiful.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

The rich content of unsaturated fatty acids in fish, it can promote cholesterol decomposition, lower blood low density cholesterol and triglycerides, prevent liver and blood vessel wall lipid deposition, while inhibiting platelet aggregation and reduce the incidence of thrombosis. In addition, lecithin in silverfish phosphorus also has a significant effect on blood fat and cholesterol. Therefore, regular consumption of octopus can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

improve memory

The lecithin contained in the fish fillet is a traditional Chinese medicine ingredient that constitutes nerve tissue. It can relieve nerves, eliminate brain fatigue and improve memory. Lecithin can also repair damaged brain cells, delay brain aging, and prevent Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, unsaturated fatty acids in hairtail can also promote brain development and improve intelligence.


Improve immunity

The fish is rich in nutrients, tender and delicate, and contains protein as a high-quality protein that is easier to absorb than livestock and poultry meat. It is an ideal tonic, and regular consumption of octopus helps increase immunity and antiviral ability.

The above is the benefits of eating fish, the following look at the consumption of octopus what precautions.

1, eczema, skin allergies and other people should not eat octopus

Hairtails are hair products. People with eczema, lupus erythematosus, and skin diseases should not eat octopus in order to avoid causing old diseases.

2, gout patients should not eat octopus

Gout is a disease caused by a disorder in purine metabolism, and seafood such as octopus is a highly purine food, so gout patients should not eat octopus.


3, asthma, bronchitis patients

Asthma is mostly caused by allergies. Hairtails, shrimps, crabs and other seafood are prone to induce asthma, so asthma patients should eat less.

4, hemorrhagic patients

Hairtails have the effect of inhibiting platelet aggregation. Most hemorrhagic patients are accompanied by clotting factor deficiency. If you take octopus again, bleeding symptoms will increase.

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