1 The main problems in the production and use of teaching materials

1.1 pursuit of one-sided function

The teaching material is a product that has been rapidly promoted and developed in recent years. It is also a product with higher gross profit. The feed enterprises in large and small scales are promoting. Some manufacturers are under pressure from the market to promote and they will often meet the requirements of poor farms. One-sided function of the pursuit. In production, the authors saw that some pig farmers evaluated the quality of suckling pigs from the smell of smell, milk flavor, sweetness, etc., as well as from the changes in the number of diarrhoea and feed color. If the pig farm does not solve the fundamental problem of management, and only hopes to satisfy some functions by adjusting the nutritional formula, it will often solve this function and that function will decline. If some of the teaching materials are controlled by high drugs to control diarrhea, diarrhea is often controlled, but the pig's late growth and animal diseases are inhibited by drug sensitivity, and even more serious is that some companies use raw materials to meet the requirements of some pig owners. Teaching slot material one-sided cognitive needs.

1.2 Evaluation of Crevices

There should be scientific methods and attitudes when evaluating products. It is unscientific to evaluate one aspect of functions in a one-sided manner. After evaluating the teaching materials, the feed intake and growth rate of suckling pigs will continue to increase and the rate of diarrhea will decrease. Usually, under the conditions of the pig species and the hardware and software management techniques, the hog suckling pigs should behave like eating and digestion (through observation of feces) and have a large feed intake, especially when the hog material ends the transition to the next product. l weeks. Nutritional diarrhea rate is less than 20%; feed conversion rate is about l.2; average daily weight gain is 250g or more; daily feed intake is more than 300g; the cost of teaching trough production is generally not based on the current cost of raw materials. Below 4800 yuan/ton. In daily production, pig farms also need to make production records, analyze data, continuously discover problems and solve problems, and continuously raise the farm production level.

2 Usage of teaching materials

The author proposes that each pig farm should be divided according to the conditions of the field and the management situation. The piglets from birth to 4 weeks of age are called suckling pigs. This stage of the feed product is commonly known as "cutter material" (also known as artificial milk, open materials, etc.). In domestic pig farms, feeding is generally started in 5 to 7 days, and there are many management modes for weaning in 21-28 days. Large-scale pig farms have earlier (such as 14-day-old weaning). The specific situation depends on the personnel of each farm. Different technologies, equipment, production, disease prevention and other factors

3 Nutritional requirements for teaching materials

3.1 Suckling Pig

Rapid growth and development of suckling pigs, incomplete development of the digestive system, poor immunity, poor body temperature regulation, and other physiological characteristics limit the choice of nutritive ingredients other than breast milk. Therefore, when pigs are used or formulated, they must be based on pig breeds and suckling pigs. The physiological characteristics of the digestive tract, combined with suckling nutrition standards, dietitian formulas, sources of raw materials and quality, etc., select high-quality raw materials (such as: peeled puffed soybeans or high quality soybean meal, corn or puffed corn, skim fish meal, oil, milk, Clear powder (or milk-derived protein), plasma protein (safe), rice protein powder, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, lure agents, acidifiers, probiotics, health medicines, etc.). A kind of high-quality crevice material is composed of dozens or more kinds of composite raw materials to form a safe, economic, and highly beneficial product.

3.2 Kinds of materials

At present, the types of teaching materials used in pig production include: granules, crushing, powder, and liquid. The most widely used are the first three. Some large-scale pig companies also try to feed liquid materials. However, the liquid material feeding has high requirements on the hardware and software of the farm management. At present, it may take some time for the specific conditions of the Chinese pig farm to be popularized.

3.3 The proportion of teaching materials

The use of 100% added teaching material in production is more than necessary. At the same time, clean and sufficient drinking water should be added in the process of use. In addition, some large-scale pig production enterprises have developed rapidly in recent years, in equipment (mixing and processing) and technology (raw materials Procurement and laboratory tests have begun to use 4%, l2%, 20%, 30%, 40%, etc., in different proportions of premix and concentrated feed to reduce costs. Large-scale pig-brewing companies even started to produce pellets. However, when we discuss the use of different proportions of feed products, we must adopt scientific methods to reduce costs according to our own conditions. Blindly not considering the actual conditions of the farm to reduce costs will only backfire and increase costs.

4 Teaching material processing

The quality control and production process of the feed mills play a decisive role in the quality of the chute material. Unfortunately, there are many feed companies whose quality control capabilities are insufficient or insufficiently valued. This is also one of the major factors that currently reduce the number of outstanding products in the chute market. A good slotted recipe design. We must have good materials and quality control and processing technology to ensure. For example, the granulation temperature and the conditioning time in the processing of the chute material. Has a great influence on the particle hardness, too hard to affect the palatability, in addition to raw materials, crushing, puffing, mixing, adding water, fuel injection, steam pre-conditioning technology, granulation mold selection, cooling process, etc. will affect the big teaching slot The quality of the material. In addition, the size of the particle size and the coefficient of variation also have an impact on the quality of the sucker feed. Therefore, in the large-scale large-scale pig farms, it is necessary to control the processing process when preparing the milk pig granules. According to the current status of some large-scale domestic pig farms, the author proposes that their own processing and use of powder should be higher.

Smart Heat Meters

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