Some farmers adopt a dilute feeding method to feed pigs, add 10 kg of water to 1 kg of dry material, and feed the feed to porridge. This method of feeding is not conducive to the growth of pigs. Because most of the water in the feed will affect the secretion of saliva, dilute the gastric juice, is not conducive to digestion, so that the pig urine is frequent, and it will cause a physiological extra burden on the pig, increase energy consumption. In addition, it is also a waste of fuel to make feed into porridge for feeding pigs, and some nutrients in the feed will be destroyed after heating and affect the growth of pigs.

It has been determined that when pigs consume 200 grams of dry material, 335 milliliters of saliva will be secreted. If 200 milliliters of water are added to the feed, the saliva secretion will be only 11.5 milliliters. Therefore, feeding pigs with dilute foods will seriously affect digestion and absorption, cause the pigs to pull dry manure, reduce the frequency of defecation, and reduce bowel movements, eventually leading to slow growth of pigs. From this it can be seen that it is best to feed the pigs with dry powder and allow the pigs to feed freely, set up a water tank to allow them to drink water freely, or feed thick materials with a ratio of water to water of 1:1. This will also prevent the feed from freezing in winter and summer corruption. The phenomenon of making pigs eat and grow faster. The phenomenon of defeat, so that pigs eat full, grow faster.

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