Little and not love arteriosclerosis

February 16, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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A recent study in Finland found that exercise, especially strenuous exercise, has a lot of benefits for children's blood vessels, and children who do not love to move have signs of arteriosclerosis even at a young age.

Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland investigated 136 children aged 6 to 8 years and studied the relationship between exercise and arteriosclerosis index. The results show that mild exercise has little effect on protecting children's vascular health, while moderate and strenuous exercise can balance the negative effects of sedentary on blood vessels.

In the Journal of Pediatric Sports Science, the researchers said that children with moderate-intensity exercise for less than an hour or less than 26 minutes of intense exercise had a high arteriosclerosis index, and arteriosclerosis was often a precursor to high blood pressure and heart disease. If the child is strenuously exercising for less than 68 minutes a day, even early signs of early heart disease may occur during puberty. Children who don't like to move once again don't pay attention to dietary adjustments, and the risk of heart disease and stroke will rise when they grow up. (Wang Xinfang)

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