Good planting is the foundation, and good management is the key. Only when “five-minute and five-in-five” corn is harvested can we achieve high yields. The main performances of poor seeding quality are: lack of seedlings and broken ridges, either failing to meet the required density or uneven plant spacing. The phenomenon of lack of seedlings in the field production is 6%. It is very common, and some even have a seedling failure rate of 10%. Above, due to lack of seedlings caused by the reduction can be known, sometimes due to lack of seedlings off ridge, people in order to ensure that the number of plants, there has been a phenomenon of uneven density, will also result in reduced production; emerged sooner or later, to form a size seedlings Large seedlings grow into strong strains. Small seedlings form weak strains. Weak strains grow poorly, resulting in spikelets or empty stalks, resulting in reduced yields.

1. Seeding period of corn: refers to the date of sowing the day, generally expressed as month/day. Accurate determination of the appropriate sowing date is conducive to the normal emergence of corn, normal maturity and can avoid some of the unfavorable natural disasters, can prevent the occurrence of some diseases, pests, such as the appropriate sowing date can avoid the high temperature and rain of corn flower; can be reduced The occurrence of virus disease and ear rot can reduce serious damage to the ground tiger. For spring sowing maize, when the soil temperature of 5-10cm is stable at 10-12°C, the saline-alkali soil is stable at 13-14°C, which is suitable for sowing. The higher the ground temperature, the faster the seedling emergence, such as 5-10cm. 18 degrees sowing, 8-10 days emergence, sowing at 20-22 degrees, 5-6 days to emerge. The sowing date for summer maize is determined by the harvest time of the local previous crop and the sowing date of the crop. However, this year due to the special climate, the weather is fickle, or cold or hot. In previous years, the peak season has been broadcasted. However, this year, the temperature has not stabilized and the ground temperature is low. If sowing now occurs, the emergence will be slow (the emergence time is at least 20 days or more. There is a high possibility of bad seeds, so be sure to postpone the sowing until the temperature rises and broadcast again when the ground temperature increases.

2, the amount of seeding: should be appropriate to increase the amount of sowing, the only way to retain strong seedlings, the possibility of reaching density. The seeding rate of corn should be determined according to the planned density, seed bud rate, seeding method, 1000-grain seed weight, soil condition, and the presence or absence of underground pests (see also the number of grains per hole during sowing). In general, it is 75kg/hm2, and the seeding rate should be increased when the planned density is large, the seed bud rate is low, and the grain weight is high. But now the seed bud rate is high, coupled with advanced machinery and equipment, can be single seed.

3, sowing depth: only the appropriate depth of sowing, the same depth, in order to ensure Miao Qi, Miao whole, seedlings uniform. Deep sowing, long emergence time, consumption of nutrients, seedling thin after the emergence of seedlings; too shallow sowing, easy to blow dry, seedling incomplete; different seeding depth, some early seedlings, and some emergence late, the emergence of seedlings early formation of large seedlings, emergence The formation of young seedlings in the late, the emergence of seedlings bully seedlings, the final seedlings grow into weak plants, weak spikelets or empty stalks. The appropriate depth of sowing depends on soil quality, lyricism, and seed size. Generally 5-6cm is appropriate. If the soil is heavy and the sensation is better, it may be lighter. Soil texture is loose, easy to dry sand land, can be appropriate deeper, but generally not more than 10cm. Judging from the present situation, it is generally better to broadcast public opinion.

4. Repression after sowing: If the seedlings are sown, ploughed or artificially opened, the thickness of the cover soil should be uniform and must be suppressed after sowing. Repression is one of the important technical measures to ensure that corn is fully seeded. In drought, after the sowing of corn, the seeds are in poor contact with the soil, and it is difficult to absorb the water and affect the whole seedlings and Miao Qi. Through repression, the capillary action of the soil is enhanced, and the water in the lower layer rises, so that the seeds absorb water and germinate. The soil moisture should be taken into account during the repression. When the drought occurs, the pressure will follow the species, the soil moisture will be greater or the rainfall is in progress, and it may be suppressed or not repressed later. When sensation is good, caution should be exercised in repression. Generally speaking, in addition to sand and slopes that need to be repressed, other flat lands and wetlands must not be suppressed.

Black Waxy Corn

Although corn is sweet, it is important to note that it is a medium glycemic index food, which means that the sugar content is not very high, so why does it taste sweet? This is a question for many people. In fact, corn tastes sweet because it contains soluble new sugar substances, but in general, its carbohydrate content is actually not high, so it is still suitable for people with high blood sugar to use as a staple food to help control blood sugar.

Corn can control blood sugar, but you have to be careful how you eat it

But the doctor is to remind everyone that although corn can help control blood sugar, but it is recommended that we corn food life or need to eat the right only important, if a single consumption of corn, as a medium glycemic level of food, corn will still lead us to elevated blood sugar please, in addition will lead to indigestion, body flatulence, etc., resulting in our body's nutrient supply is insufficient, so life we for eating duo to pay attention to.

Black Waxy Corn,Black Glutinous Corn,Glutinous Corn Kernels,Black Glutinous Corn Kernels

Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. ,